Did I invite you to work online? Perhaps this is not really can be considered as work, but a nice hobby during your vacant periods... I will give you this tips...
1. Think of an interesting topic & always consider the myLot guidelines
2. Check first if you have similar topics with the others (In checking, you can go to the recent, hot and top sections or go directly to the New-Improve-myLot searh box where you can earn a reward of using it naturally as you use Google, Bing and the like.)
3. Plot it down in a considerable sentences. (Please avoid a one-liner post)
4. Post it. Put the appropriate tag/s of your topic, this can help you receive responses.
5. Check for responses. Always refresh the 'I've started' section to see if your topic receives new responses. Comment back, this can help you prolong the discussion and increase your earnings. Respect their opinions. If you host a topic, you must be open-minded enough for any possible views of our fellow mylotters.
Note: You can open several pages of mylot in the firefox, internet, chrome and the like so that you can work on the other discussions too while you are waiting for any responses.
Do 1-5 every time you make a post. Do not create several posts if you are not sure those are of quality.
Quality post earns.
Quality post is fun.
The guidelines stated that: "Don't Start a new discussion unless you have something of substance to say. Don't Start discussions asking for one word answers like “Yes or No"
A one liner-post that leads to Yes or No answer may face these following consequences:
1. Get deleted soon and have zero cent.
2. Get replied by few who would sacrifice their effort to help you (If not deleted now but it has the possibility to be thrashed soon as the admin would swiped out some scratches here) & get hardly any cent so close to zero.
And take note: Both the TWO above are waste of time.
And if you want to response to other discussions posted by our fellows here, this might can help you also:
1. Read the Title
2. If it catches your interest, open it
3. Read again the body... think twice if you really like to respond
4. Do not drop comment if you think you could not contribute something in there
5. Look for another topic and repeat 1-5.
Note: there are some good topics that you could not really drop some comment or you do not have any idea about, so please go back there if you feel you have some idea in mind already, or your response would be ignored.
The Links below will navigate you:
1. myLot guidelines
2. mylot tips (1 year ago) by one of our helping hands here. You can go to the link so that you can see other helpful tips aside from posting a quality topic.
3. mylot discussion by one of our fellows here last night about one liner-posts.
1. http://www.mylot.com/o/guidelines.aspx
2. http://www.mylot.com/w/discussions/1777723.aspx
3. http://www.mylot.com/w/discussions/2271641.aspx
I hope this can help you.